Wednesday, August 31, 2005


A tragedy of biblical proportions

We left New Orleans Friday, August 26 at noon for a 72 hour trip (I can't help thinking about Gilligan going on a three hour trip, and well, you know...) with just a casual notice of Hurricane Katrina crossing the southermost tip of Florida, and moving West-SW into the gulf.

By the time we drove into our friends' home in Tallahassee early Friday evening, the news that the projected path of the hurricane was on a bull's eye trajectory through the heart of New Orleans, felt like a bad allucination which we hoped we would wake up from Saturday morning as we preparedfor a fun weekend of workshops and fun.

It wasn't going to be that way as the reality began to sink in that the worst case scenario of a direct hit on New Orleans was nothing short of sure thing. We have been ever since totally torn to pieces with an undescribable feeling thinking about whether we'll have a home to return to, but more so because of the thousands upon thousands of people who couldn't afford, or don't had the means to leave the city. The sad reality of the invisible poor people of color of New Orleans that defies politics, spinmasters, and sinister oxymorons associated with the word compassion.

We couldn't be in a better haven if we had planned it ahead. Our extended tango family in Tallahassee has surrounded us with love, affection and have kept us dancing and breathing the tango life to keep our minds distracted from the tragedy that is engulfing our city.

So, we pray continuously, and ask all of our dear friends to follow suit, for the city that has been our home for the better part of the last five years, and for the wonderful and caring people who are still there or somewhere, to be spared from extinction.

Please pass the word around to all of our friends who may not be directly linked to any of the usual forums we use to stay in touch. Valorie and I are out of harm's way, well taken care of, but sharing our grief and disbelief for the heartfelt pain and anguish that those left behind might be going through, and having a deep faith in the mercy of the good Lord to protect our material and sentimental possessions and all our wonderful memories of our ten years enjoying the love of tango.

Thanks to everyone who has called or written showing their concern for our well being. We will reply each and every message personally and privately as we keep a vigil for the uncertain future.

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