Saturday, February 04, 2006


The Anti-Semantic Administration


The C.E.O. administration, as the George Bush White House liked to call itself when it came into office in 2000—before it became the "Mission Accomplished" administration in 2003—has become the semantic administration. Or, if you're actually a student of language, the anti-semantic administration. Like the Clinton White House before it, the Bush crew has imprisoned the English tongue. What is, or is not, torture? What is, or is not, extraordinary rendition (in layman's terms, the "outsourcing of torture")? Does the C.I.A., or does it not, operate foreign torture prisons? What is, or is not, global warming? The complete brilliance of the Bush administration is that the president has further clouded discourse (perhaps inadvertently) by devising a game plan altogether new in American politics—the One Damned Thing After Another Doctrine. In its simplest terms it is this: Screw up as many things in as many areas as possible, and in as little time as possible, and pray that neither the press nor the public will ever be able to keep up with all of it, or even some of it.

In line with the administration's attempt to remake America into everything we have long deplored came the charges late last year that U.S. troops had fired massive quantities of white phosphorus shells during a battle against the Iraqi Resistance in Fallujah in November 2004. The apparently reckless use of the chemical in a civilian area—in Fallujah it burned bodies, including those of women and children, caramelizing their flesh down to the bone, according to The Independent—is evocative of Saddam's gassing of the Kurds 16 years earlier. In typical fashion, the Pentagon at first denied the reports, calling them "widespread myths." Since then photographs and videos of victims, and interviews with U.S. soldiers who fought in Fallujah—and whose nickname for white phosphorous is "Willy Pete"—have told another story.

Vice President Dick Cheney, reportedly in the West Wing's doghouse for not delivering the speedy, slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am Iraq conquest he promised the president, is getting some unwanted ink in the foreign press, where they are beginning to refer to him in most unflattering terms. "War criminal" is one such epithet. Which may account for his weight gain. It may also account for his pre-Christmas surprise visit to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Goodness only knows the cheer the vice president's tour brought to the weary soldiers who were there, so many miles from home during the holidays.

Cheney, on the other hand, had no such Yuletide melancholy. After enduring Iraq for nine hours, he eventually flew back to the U.S., comfortable in the knowledge that only a short jaunt from his "undisclosed location" in the capital was the $2.6 million waterfront house he just bought. It sits on nine acres on the Eastern Shore of Chesapeake Bay. And it's only a stone's throw from the home of his fellow Iraq-war architect Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. One of the first things the vice president attended to, like many a new homeowner, was safety. Although planes over New York City now follow pretty much the same flight paths that they did before September 11, the vice president used the influence of his office to have the area around his new weekend home declared a "no-fly zone." Even when he's not there.

The president may have re-discovered Iraq in his flurry of stump speeches in December, but by year's end he most certainly seemed to have lost interest in New Orleans. It appears that through ineptitude or neglect, or a combination of both, we are gradually losing a great American city. The president proposed earmarking $3.1 billion to rebuild the levees that surround New Orleans. But those levees would be strong enough to withstand only a Category 3 hurricane—not the Category 4 storm that broke the levees in the first place. More than three months after Hurricane Katrina swamped New Orleans, just 10 percent of the city's buses are operating and fewer than 1 percent of the city's public schools are open. It can fairly be argued that Baghdad is in better shape than the Gulf Coast. It's certainly getting more attention from Washington.

The White House, meanwhile, is resisting congressional requests for access to files that record how Bush and his chief of staff, Andy Card, responded when they first got word of the potential devastation of Katrina. The special House committee investigating that response then downgraded the request, asking only for Card's communications. And that was rejected as well.

The administration's own desire for privacy is in complete contrast to its position that in its crusade for freedom abroad it must diminish everyone else's freedoms at home. The USA Patriot Act is a strong sword in this battle. Outright spying on Americans is another. Richard Nixon similarly used the apparatus of the U.S. government to eavesdrop on Americans who held views about the Vietnam War antithetical to his own. The president's interest in the affairs of others is a trait fraught with pitfalls. Indeed, it brings to mind the obituary of a well-regarded English lawyer named Patrick "Paddy" Pakenham which appeared in the Telegraph last June. During a drug trial in which Pakenham had clashed often with a testy judge, a bag of marijuana was produced in evidence. Bring it to me, the judge ordered. Whereupon he opened the bag and proceeded to place the contents in his mouth. Chewing it, the judge announced that it was indeed cannabis. And where was the substance found? he asked. Pakenham turned to the learned magistrate and said, "In the defendant's anus, my Lord."

Graydon Carter is the editor of Vanity Fair. His books include What We've Lost (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), a critique of the Bush administration, and Oscar Night: 75 Years of Hollywood Parties (Knopf).

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